
Plan a Collaborative Sourcing Strategy


Based on the Success Factor Snapshot, we then help the hiring team develop a Compelling Marketing Statement to attract top talent.

The Compelling Marketing Statement shocks and stuns top talent to stop whatever they are doing at the precise moment they see your compelling opportunity. Imagine throwing a hook with just the right bait into the deep end of the pond. Top talent can't wait to jump on that unique hook.

The Compelling Marketing Statement compels top talent to raise their hand by showing them what they will learn in the job, what type of impact they will have, and what they will become for having been in the job. This tool gets at the heart of candidate motivation for top talent.

The traditional approach of using a job description to masquerade as an advertisement turns off top talent.

We then take the Compelling Marketing Statement and work with the hiring team to ensure this tool is embedded in every potential channel and source of top talent for your position. We use the top three best practice areas of sourcing to fish deeply for your next critical hire.

Products for Planning a Collaborative Sourcing Strategy