
Coordinate Success Factor Interviews


We will facilitate Success Factor Interviews with you and your management team. The traditional interview is useless as a tool for predicting future success. A series of canned questions soliciting prepared answers from candidates feeding back what they think you wish to hear is not an effective interview.

We have developed over the last 25 years through 1,000 search assignments and 100,000 interviews, 5 Core-Interview Questions based upon the top 5 predictors of success. Using these interview questions as a part of your interview process will dramatically improve hiring accuracy.

Most hiring managers believe that at least 100% of the candidates they meet embellish and exaggerate their claims of accomplishments. The key to successful interviewing is to eliminate the embellishment and exaggeration and leverage a powerful tool to predict future success.

Combined with the Magnifying Glass Approach to Interviewing, there is not a candidate on Earth who could make up their answers fast enough. They'll be able to clearly and precisely describe their accomplishments or they will self-implode in the chair quickly.

This is the step where we separate the best performers from the best interviewees. The Success Factor Snapshot leads to the development of in-depth interview questions and homework assignments to reveal the true success potential of each candidate.

The interviews are conducted as if you have put the candidate in the job BEFORE you hire them. Once you've identified the final candidates, we conduct deep reference checks, thorough background checks, and homework assignments to validate and verify the candidate's claims of success.

Products for a Success Factor Interview