
Use Success Sourcing Methods to Fish Deeply for Top Talent

To hire effectively you must teach your hiring managers how to fish in deep waters for the best candidates

Why do most traditional methods of finding candidates such as mediocre advertisements on job boards, light networking, and job fairs, generate so few top talent applications? Most sourcing methods used by companies bring to the surface the "best of the worst".

If you want top talent for every open role, you must make fundamental changes in attracting candidates who do not need your job. This process of compelling top talent to come forward involves putting the candidate in the job BEFORE they are hired.

You can attract top talent consistently by using a compelling marketing statement instead of the traditional job description masquerading as an advertisement. Combining the compelling marketing statement with the top 3 best practices in sourcing will allow you to consistently fish deeply for the very best talent.

To learn more about sourcing - you can download a FREE Sample of our book and read the chapter on sourcing for FREE. Click here to learn more.

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