You Can Quickly And Easily Produce A Fantastic Resume That Will Open Doors to Top Job Interviews And Top Notch Offers...
Without Hiring an Expensive Service!
Dear Friend,
Most professionals don't have a clue how to get their "foot in the door" for those top job openings... not one clue.
And forget about the offer... many people see 6-12 months or more fly by without landing one decent INTERVIEW.
I am sure you know we are living in some of the most difficult and stressful economic times in decades. And today's executive job market feels like swimming in a tsunami.
But take a moment and read on...
... We'll reveal to you how to open more doors for more executive jobs in the next 90+ days than most candidates will land in a year or more.
You're about to discover the KEY secrets 97% of all executives will never know...
Learn Little-Known Secrets about Resumes
and Job Search Planning that leaves almost everyone else swimming in a ‘Whirlpool of Confusion’
- Nothing happens, literally NOTHING HAPPENS until YOUR telephone rings for the initial interview. Landing the first interview... getting your "foot in the door" is ALL that matters! (Read that again, it's that important)
- The Magic: A well-written resume requires special ingredients that require you, yes you, to follow a specific process…what we like to call our
Complete Resume System
Why? Because Truly Effective
Resumes Don’t Look like 97% of the paper-clogging mess every employer and recruiter is faced with!
Did you get that? Your resume must be different!
Imagine this...
You are 'knee deep', no “waist deep”, in your job search. You're totally stressed out and money is tight...
You need some serious help, NOW. So you decide to pay for a professionally written resume. You call the big name Resume Service and plunk down a large sum of money so you can have a professional write your new resume.
You think to yourself, "this ought to get the phones ringing!"
You get your resume back from the service and it seems impressive! They even tossed in a "free" cover letter to go with your pricey resume.
You excitedly send off your resume to recruiters, companies, post it on various job boards and other online services.
You ‘know’ your telephone is about to ring off the hook...
But, you wait and wait and wait...
... and Absolutely NOTHING is happening... NOTHING!
What really happened? 369 people all applied for the same position as you, the pile of resumes is massive, and your application, like 97% of them, was treated like toilet paper and tossed out.
Why? Because your resume did nothing to grab the attention of the recruiter or employer!
That herd of cattle that are chasing the same position you are have created a massive headache for the recruiter or hiring manager you're trying to reach.
Your resume is a lottery ticket, and your odds are the same!
We'll Show You How to Create an Amazing
Resume and a Complete Personal Marketing Plan.
Our little secret…each resume must be focused on a singular opportunity, Here's Why...
Your Tired, Stale Format, Single-Font, Long-Winded, Big-Worded,Resume soooo boooooriing!
Your Job Search Is A Marketing Campaign!
How do we know? We are professional executive recruiters with a combined 50+ years reviewing resumes and placing more than a thousand people like you in top quality career positions ...and ignoring most resumes we see (just like every company you apply to).
For you and us, TIME IS MONEY...LOTS OF MONEY.
WARNING: Many people claim to be a "career experts" or "resume writers". They’re not.
Hello, we are Barry Deutsch and Brad Remillard, executive recruiting professionals who have seen more than a hundred thousand resumes, we know what works and, most importantly for you, what does not work. We can cut your search in half or more saving you money, time and endless frustration.

- Click on the Order button below
- Complete your information
- Follow the System step-by-step
Here Are The Instant BENEFITS You'll Get When
You Use The Complete Resume System

This System includes all the powerful information and incredible tools you need to succeed in your job search. You get…
- Resumes Are Worthless 1 hour + audio instruction
- Cut Your Transition Time 1 hour+ audio instruction
- Your Complete Marketing Brochure Template
- A Sample Personal Compelling Marketing Brochure
- A Sample Cover Letter
- A Sample Resume
- Your Personal Success Profile
- Your 8 Point Job Search Self Assessment Scorecard
Systems with less information and tools regularly sell for as much as $1,000 and more, but not here. We want you to have all the tools you need at a fraction of the price.
But, we really want you to succeed so we have added these 3 gifts to make your next resume and career position a rousing success.
FREE GIFT #1- "Winning the Phone Interview"
The tips in this report could easily sell for $100 or more. Thousands of people have received this information with rave reviews. This is a free bonus gift with no strings attached. Taken from over 100,000 interviews we conducted, we will teach you the errors you must avoid and the techniques you must know.
This special free bonus is only being offered for a limited time.
FREE GIFT #2- "How Recruiters Read Resumes In 10 Seconds or Less”
This is our most downloaded radio show ever. If you want to know how recruiters screen through stacks of resumes, what criteria they use and what resume features are critical, then this audio explains it all. Knowing this insider information is the best way to ensure your resume doesn't get screened out, but actually read. Two retained executive recruiters with over 50 years experience between them and together they have screened over 500,000 resumes in their careers, describe not only what they prioritize, but why they prioritize the way they do when they screen your resume.
FREE GIFT #3- "8 Point Success Matrix LinkedIn Profile Self Assessment”
Are you beige? Do you fade into the woodwork or background? Does your LinkedIn Profile get skimmed over for those who are more attractive in terms of personal branding, depth, and outstanding information? Your LinkedIn Profile is critical to your success in being found by recruiters, Human Resource Professionals, and Hiring Managers conducting searches on LinkedIn to fill open positions. Use this assessment to find out where you stand and what you can do to STAND OUT.
These audios and PDF file could be responsible for pocketing you $1000's of Dollars.
50% DISCOUNT OFFER: The retail price for our Complete Resume System is normally $199.95. As a special customer appreciation promotion, you can receive a 50% discount and pay only $99.95 if you place your order today ... We've helped thousands of people (and counting) find the best jobs. But if you order today, you will receive this lower discounted price during this short promotion period.
For the one-time investment of only $199.95 $99.95, you will have the The Complete Resume System right at your fingertips for the rest of your career. It's a smart choice you'll be glad you made. This is an even more incredible value when you consider that many resume services are charging $200, $300 and even more!
Finally, Think About This...
Everyday you continue to search for a job you're actually losing money. If you can shorten your job search you will save yourself thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars. Try our system, you'll love it, we guarantee it.
When you click on the Order Link below, you'll be taken to our order page that will summarize what you get with your order today. Our order system is fully secure.
And, you will receive you’re system right away…no waiting for a big bundle in the mail to show up, your System is totally downloaded and you can print your templates, listen to your audios and build your resume. You can start using the System immediately and getting results, fast!
Photo is for display only. The Complete Resume System and all the FREE gifts are digital products. These can all be downloaded immediately.

The Complete Resume System