Don't pay recruiters in these hard times.
You can save thousands of dollars and still find top talent.
Over 10,000 copies sold

Can you relate to this title? Have you ever thought this?
If ‘YES," then you are the person for whom we wrote this book. More than 10,000 CEOs and key executives have read our book and have dramatically improved their hiring results. Hiring is the only process in a company where failure is accepted.
Don't accept failed hiring any longer.
Reduce your cost per hire.
Improve retention.
Reduce the cost of training for the same position over and over.
Reduce inaccuracies and inefficiencies that frustrate you.
Reduce the stress associated with managing poor performers.
Reduce over paying for underperforming employees.
Most importantly, you can start building an organization
of top performers!
Our price $35.00 with FREE shipping
Here is what our readers have to say:
TK Collins, CEO, Baton Rouge, LA "There is no better book on hiring out there. This book completely changes how people view hiring. This is a new method that not only defines top performers, but also teaches you how to identify them in the hiring process. It makes it easy to weed out those that tell a great story in the interview and then come on board and don't perform. Every CEO should implement this process in their company."
Bill Roberts, President, N.Y., N.Y. "This is the best book on hiring I've read. It will change your hiring process for good. It just makes so much sense once you read it."
Jenifer Yates, Owner, Boston, MA. "For a small company, this process works great. We learned so much. We are too small to have an HR department, but once my staff and I read the book, implementing the process was easy."
Barbara Ann Masterson, COO, Baltimore, MD "When I first read the title I related immediately, so I bought it. It didn't take long to understand why I related. We never thought much about hiring in our company. Like most, we just accepted the failures as 'that is how it is.' This book opened our eyes to a totally different approach and we started implementing all 5 steps. It is easy to read, easy to follow and just makes sense. I can't believe this hasn't been thought of before."
You have to fish for candidates in deep waters. We will show you how to find the SLEEPER candidates who normally don't respond to ads.
Barbara is correct. Hiring is the only process in a company that continually delivers miserable results and CEOs just accept it. In fact, most actually expect it! If any other process delivered such poor results, every CEO would shut it down and start over.
Our research indicates that most companies' hiring process only delivers 56% of candidates who meet or exceed their expectations at the time of hire.
What if:
- Your telephone system only worked 60% of the time?
- Your checks made it into your checking account 80% of the time?
- Your IT systems were up and running 90% of the time?
- Your sales team consistently delivered 70% of quota?
Not likely. You would shut everything down, re-train, investigate the cause, modify your processes, and even fire people.
But not with hiring. You don't have to do this any longer. We will demonstrate a new methodology that is completely focused on hiring successful people.
Our five steps cover all aspects of hiring:
Traditional job descriptions are worthless. If you want to hire successful people, you must first define success. We will show you how to do this for both exempt and non-exempt employees.
Sourcing top talent. We will show you how to start fishing in deep waters. You can't attract top talent if you don't know where they are and what motivates them.
Interviewing is the key to eliminating those who embellish. With just 5 questions and our probing technique, you will learn to identify those who exaggerate.
A structured follow-up assessment after the interview is critical. Stop asking, "What did you think of them?" We will provide you with our 8 Point Matrix Assessment template to properly vet the candidate.
Trust but verify. You must have additional points of light to validate that what the candidate said is really true. This book will give you the proven tools to do this.
The key to hiring successful people can literally be summed up in one sentence. If you want to hire successful people, then you have to
put the candidate in the job BEFORE you hire them.
This is the complete focus of our book. We will walk you through a simple 5-step process all designed around this simple yet overlooked concept.
Don't delay any longer. Stop accepting a failed process. Let us help you build a top performing team and show you how to start by putting the candidate in the job BEFORE you hire them. Let's work together to dramatically improve that 56%.
We're so confident that you'll be satisfied, we'll back it up with our guarantee.
No questions asked. Just our 100% guarantee that you'll find this to be one of your most worthy investments.