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Hiring Manager Webinar:


You’re Not the Person I Hired


5 Steps To Consistently Hiring Top Talent for every position


Finding and hiring top talent is simple if you have the right process!


Image of a Hiring Manager quickly finding and selecting a top candidate using the Success Factor MethodologyThe hiring process of most companies is NOT designed to find and hire top talent at every level. Most hiring systems actually TURN OFF top talent!

A multitude of errors and mistakes in hiring prevents most companies from consistently hiring top talent. These errors and mistakes include tribal hiring practices, falling victim to first impressions, using worthless job descriptions, and conducting useless interviews.

Companies turn off top candidates by asking canned interview questions, listing job descriptions masquerading as advertisements, and descriptions of work that lack any compelling reason for top talent to leave their current jobs.


We've compressed the 8 steps of the Success Factor Methodology that we use every day in our Executive Search Practice down to five simple steps that you can use to obtain the same results of finding and hiring top talent. The errors and mistakes mentioned above are well documented in hiring literature over the past 40 years. We conducted our own original research into the Top 10 Hiring Mistakes that are commonly made by CEOs, executives, and hiring managers.

Our research indicates that hiring is not much more accurate than flipping a coin. Is there any other process in your organization where you'll accept that level of random variability? How about your payroll checks or bills to customers? No, if you will not accept it anywhere else, why would you accept it when it comes to hiring?

We've discovered that the major reason most hiring executives and managers throw up their hands and accept random results from hiring is that they don't have a better method. Most hiring managers are stuck in a mix of antiquated hiring practices we call tribal hiring, combined with a lack of a rigorous process that any supervisor, manager, or executive could easily use and implement.

Stop Accepting Random Results From Hiring


Testimonials from Hiring Managers:

Bill Thompkins, CEO, St. Paul, MN. "This really does put candidates in the job before you hire them. Every company should hear this."


Mark Williams, CEO, Boise, IA. "We liked this webinar and concepts so much we implemented the complete hiring process. It seems so obvious once they explain the 5 steps, I don't know why we didn't think of it."


We've discovered that there are two steps that have to happen to make sure your next executive or managerial hire is successful.

  1. Tightly define what success will look like before the search begins and
  2. Focus like a laser beam on verifying that each candidate you see has the demonstrated potential to create that success.
These are absolutely critical to a successful hire, but there is still one big problem.

If you can't find top talent neither of these matter!

  • We are going to show you exactly why recruiters can find top talent and you can't.
  • We will walk you through the exact process recruiters use to first motivate top talent to talk to us.
  • We will share with you why top talent comes to us, sends us their resumes, is excited to interview with the company and why they don't even reply to your ad.
  • We will demonstrate why companies find mostly "active" candidates and recruiters find "passive" candidates.

The Success Factor Methodology requires a rethinking of almost every part of your hiring process. The progress you make will correlate directly with the amount of dedication, focus, leadership, and effort you expend. It works when you work, and there are no shortcuts.

guarantee_130_x_110.jpgNo Questions asked. Just our 100% guarantee that you'll find this to be one of  your most worthy investments. If you don't agree, just let us know for a complete refund.

We've put together a set of additional learning tools to reinforce the webinar. Studies show that you'll forget 90% of the information taught in a webinar within 48 hours. Can you afford to invest the time in a powerful webinar on hiring and leveraging top talent, and then forget everything you've just learned. Reinforce and embed the concepts of the Success Factor Methodology by purchasing the PowerPoint slide presentation and the audio recording.


This webinar is not currently scheduled



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Virtual Chief Talent Officer

What if you could have a Chief Talent Officer in your back pocket when you need it? Imagine having a Virtual Chief Talent Officer available at any time. Get on-call help and on-demand consulting to implement the Success Factor Methodology.

Start by requesting our FREE 8-point Hiring Check-up. Quickly improve your Hiring Process and start raising hiring success.

Imagine having your own personal virtual Chief Talent Officer available anytime to support your hiring managers.


IMPACT Hiring Solutions | T. (866) 730-SOAR (7627) info@impacthiringsolutions.com