Tweet Jason Alba of “I’m on LinkedIn – Now What” fame wrote a blog post raising the question of whether you should have one choice, two choices, or many choices for the readers of your LinkedIn Profile to view your SlideShare Presentations (Powerpoints). As you know, I’m a huge proponent of using your LinkedIn Profile […]
Category Archive for ‘LinkedIn Job Search’ 
Don’t Blame Me For Your Job Search Lack of Success
In one of my recent blog posts, I suggested that if your job search is now moving past one year, in most situations your job search is ineffective. You can read that post about job search failure by clicking here.
From my perch regarding ineffective jo…
Why Are You Still Unemployed a Year Later?
You’re still unemployed because your job search is ineffective.
I don’t accept the excuse “it’s a bad economy and that’s why you’re still out of work.”
It’s not appealing when you play the victim and adopt a LOSER mentality.
Common Frus…
New Poll Shows Over 50% Unemployed For Over A Year
I recently conducted a non-scientific poll using LinkedIn. 912 people responded to the poll and the results follow with some commentary on the results.
The only question asked was, “How long have you been unemployed and looking for a job?”…
Job Search Booster Shot – Is LinkedIn Working for You?
A lot of candidates have given up on LinkedIn.
I probably speak with 20-30 executive candidates a week who’ve been out of work over a year. When I ask about their thoughts of using LinkedIn to find a job – I can almost hear the frowns and sour expr…
Why Don’t Candidates Use LinkedIn Effectively?
Are you leveraging LinkedIn in your job search? If not, you could be dragging your job search on for a longer period of time than is necessary.
LinkedIn provides one of the greatest sets of job search tools – practically for FREE!
Why then are so…
Recruiters Are Your Friend And Your Best Job Search Resource
I read hundreds of blogs, LinkedIn comments, responses to our articles, tweets on Twitter, and emails from candidates every month about recruiters. Many are negative. Most complain about recruiters. Many are justified and many are not. Like everyone in…
Consulting Can Be Harmful To Your Job Search
Candidates often take on consulting jobs while in an active job search. Granted, many need the income and if that is the reason for taking the consulting job I completely understand. However, this may be one reason you are in a job search longer than n…
Building An Effective Network Step 2 – Online Social Media & LinkedIn Profile
Step one of effective networking focused on the offline networking process. It discussed why so many candidates receive such little value from networking that most just give up. I understand why this happens and hopefully the 4 steps started to change …
Mediocre Networking equals Failed Job Search
I just published a blog on our HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent Blog aimed at hiring executives and managers on the subject of networking.
You can read this blog posting on networking for Executives and Managers by CLICKING HERE.
Outrageous Claim ? Networkin…