Some candidates will enter the job market with the desire to learn everything they can about the best way to conduct a job search. Many will use outplacement firms, attend a webinar or two, read articles on interviewing or resumes, and begin networking…
Tag Archive for ‘career planning’ 
Effective Networking Requires Planning – Step #1
The key word in the title is “effective.” Anyone can network ineffectively. The sad part is that most people I meet do ineffective networking. What is sadder is that they get frustrated or burned out and often give up.
The common belief I hear fr…
Why Your Skills & Experience Don’t Matter To Recruiters
The title is true. It just isn’t true all of the time.
I can’t count the number of times I have heard from candidates, “I have done all of the things for your position.” or how many times I get a cover letter that goes into a le…
Should I Go OR Should I Stay?
Tweet There is a good career management article by Kris Parfitt on the Career Realism Blog titled “Career Question: What Do You Have At Stake?” Many candidates start applying for jobs to “kick the tires”, validate their self-worth, test whether they are being fairly compensated, or they might just want to explore whether the “grass […]
Featured Job Search Best Practice Blogger: Miriam Salpeter at Keppie Careers
Tweet Our first featured Job Search Best Practice Blogger is Miriam Salpeter at Keppie Careers. Miriam provides exceptional content, great ideas, tips, techniques, and recommendations on how you can conduct an effective job search. She has a great following of dedicated fans and continues week after week to provide job search best practices to job […]
Are you a Job Search Best Practice Blogger?
Tweet Are you a Job Search Best Practice Blogger? If so, we want you! We’re featuring the very best job search bloggers from across the Internet. We’re looking for job search best practice experts from around the world. What qualifies as a job search best practice blogger? You blog regularly – ideally every day, at […]
Comparison of Job Search to Olympic Competition
Tweet Mirian Salpeter, one of my favorite job search bloggers, at Keppie Careers, posted a recent blog about how athletic competition at the Olympics compares to your job search. And you all know what a big nut I am around using sports metaphors in hiring and job search. However, I’m not sure the Olympics are […]