I recently conducted a non-scientific poll using LinkedIn. 912 people responded to the poll and the results follow with some commentary on the results.
The only question asked was, “How long have you been unemployed and looking for a job?”…
Tag Archive for ‘job hunting’ 
New Poll Shows Over 50% Unemployed For Over A Year
Recruiters Are Your Friend And Your Best Job Search Resource
I read hundreds of blogs, LinkedIn comments, responses to our articles, tweets on Twitter, and emails from candidates every month about recruiters. Many are negative. Most complain about recruiters. Many are justified and many are not. Like everyone in…
Consulting Can Be Harmful To Your Job Search
Candidates often take on consulting jobs while in an active job search. Granted, many need the income and if that is the reason for taking the consulting job I completely understand. However, this may be one reason you are in a job search longer than n…
Getting Professional Help Can Shorten Your Job Search – Example 1- Turnover
I find it interesting that people will pay for help for just about anything but their job search. People pay for dance lessons, golf and tennis lessons, piano lessons, financial help, help with taxes, the list is endless. Yet for possibly the most impo…
How To Get Job Lead Referrals. 3 Simple Steps
I preach all the time how important it is in a job search to have a steady stream of job lead referrals coming from your network. Few disagree with this. Few also do much about it. Oh they go through the motions, they generate a lot of activity…
Job Seekers and Warren Buffet
I am currently reading the book, “The Snowball: Warren Buffet and the Business of Life” by Alice Schroeder. It is an interesting biography on Warren Buffet’s life starting as a small child. Some of the more interesting parts highlig…
How Can You Improve Your Job Search?
Tweet I’m writing an article series of 101 ways to improve your job search. Are you following this series on our Job Search and Career Blog? After grabbing all 101 tactics, there is no reason you shouldn’t be able to quickly, rapidly, instantly bring your job search to a conclusion. However, I’ll bet that you’re […]
Is This Age Discrimination Or Not, You Tell Me?
I was recently co-interviewing candidates with my client for one of his open positions. Together we interviewed 3 candidates all in the same day.
Obviously, two of the candidates didn’t get the job. One of the candidates that didn’t get the…
Why Your Skills & Experience Don’t Matter To Recruiters
The title is true. It just isn’t true all of the time.
I can’t count the number of times I have heard from candidates, “I have done all of the things for your position.” or how many times I get a cover letter that goes into a le…
How Recruiters Search Using LinkedIn & What We Look For
So much has been written on the importance of a complete and compelling LinkedIn profile. I am currently working on two searches for which I am extensively using LinkedIn to source candidates. From what I have seen, one would think that LinkedIn is e…