I Can Do Your Job Better Than You and I’m Just A Recruiter

It really doesn’t matter if you have 20+ years of experience in your profession, or that it has taken you 20+ years of learning from your mistakes, or that over that 20+ years you have taken on-going educational classes to perfect your talents.

I can still do your job, if not better, at least as well as you do.

For example, maybe you are a:

  • VP Manufacturing. I have built and made a lot of things in my life. I’ve assembled many items from toys to bookshelves. I’ve walked through so many manufacturing plants that they all look the same, so I am qualified to be a VP Manufacturing. How tough can this stuff be?
  • CFO. For me this is an easy one. I use QuickBooks for my company and even do a home budget, so I know budgeting. Fear not, should you be an international company foreign exchange is my niche. I’ve exchanged currency in many different countries.  How tough can this stuff be?
  • VP Operations. This is so vague anyone can do it. Just go to the office, send out a weekly policy and procedure change or update and never be in your office so everyone thinks you are busy. If something goes wrong, send out another policy and procedure update and of course hit the quota of 100 emails a day and copy everyone in the company so you really appear to be important. How tough is this?
  • VP Sales. This really doesn’t count because sales really isn’t a profession. It really doesn’t take any special training. Just meet people, know the product, have the gift of gab, and complain. Anybody who has kids is a professional sales person. I bet if you search Amazon for books that teach how to be a professional sales person nothing will come up. It is too simple and doesn’t require training.

Sound ridiculous? I sure hope so.

So then, what makes you think that you are an expert in the job search arena?  Why do you think that because maybe during your career you hired a few people and interviewed a lot of candidates,  you are an expert in this profession?  Sound ridiculous? I sure hope so.

There is a learning curve like any other profession to effectively conducting a job search.  In 30 years as a recruiter, the number of problems, issues, challenges and mistakes one has to endure to become the best are just the same as anyone endures in their chosen career.

This is not about us or recruiters, it is about helping you find a job as quickly as possible.  I have never understood why candidates think they can enter a search and think they know all the ins-and-outs of an effective job search. The fact is, candidates are no more an expert in conducting an effective job search, than recruiters are at doing your job.

If  I have convinced  you of that, then the next step is what to do. As my partner Barry recently wrote in, “What Are You Doing To Sharpen  Your Job Search Saw?” The fact is there is an enormous wealth of information available to candidates, much of which is free. We offer an extraordinary amount of free resources on our Web site. All candidates have to do is reach out and take it. Why so many don’t mind boggles us.

I know you are thinking, “There is too much to choose from. As candidates, we are inundated with stuff. How do we know what is good and what isn’t?” Valid point, but weak at best. It is no different than when you buy a car, choose a doctor, hire a mechanic, or when working, selecting the right software, hiring a consultant, choosing a recruiter to fill an opening, deciding to select a particular vendor and so on. You do your research, look for qualifications, get referrals, ask questions, and look at the person’s or company’s qualifications.

It is called doing your, “DUE DILIGENCE.”

Candidates can do the same thing in a job search. I recommend:

  1. Reading blogs and articles. This will  help  you determine credibility.
  2. Select three or four experts and follow them diligently, just like you would in business. There may be many consultants that do the exact same work, but once you select the one you like the most you follow them.
  3. Review the background of the person or company you decide to follow. Does this background meet the test of time?  Have they been doing what you need, in the area you need, and at the level you need?
  4. Once you start following specific experts, don’t be afraid to invest. Often an investment of under $100 can pay back huge dividends. You invest in experts when you are working to improve your performance or your department’s performance.  If investing a little up front gets you working one month sooner what is that ROI? Just like in business it is all about ROI.
  5. Identify where you are weak and get help. Some help will be free and some may cost a little (rarely more than $100). Don’t be afraid to invest in yourself. For example, most candidates don’t know how to properly use their voice and body language to communicate effectively. INVEST in yourself and get some professional help. Our Job Search Self-Assessment Scorecard will help you identify where you need help. It is FREE. CLICK HERE.

You are not a professional at conducting a job search. Years ago a person said to me,”Amateur golf instructors make amateur golfers.” Well I say to you, “Amateurs at conducting a job search, spend a lot more months looking than necessary.”

Don’t be afraid to reach out and get  help. Do your due diligence so you choose wisely. There is a lot of free information to help you. Don’t be one that ignores it.

Join our Linkedin Job Search Networking Group to start. It is free and the articles and discussions are very helpful. CLICK HERE TO JOIN

Check out all of our FREE RESOURCES as a start.

Download from our home page the FREE Sample Cover Letter and Job Search Self-Assessment Scorecard. Scroll to the bottom in the “What’s New” Section at www.impacthiringsolutions.com

I welcome your comments and thoughts.

Brad Remillard


About the Author

Brad Remillard is a founding Partner of IMPACT Hiring Solutions, co-author of "You're NOT the Person I Hired", and "This is NOT the Position I Accepted". Brad is an award-winning international speaker, retained executive recruiter, and expert on hiring and retaining top talent, and executive job search.

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