Posts tagged: FREE Job Search Audio

Who’s Afraid of Job Search Personal Branding?

Job Search Blogging

Why is it that so many people don’t get started creating their personal brand?

Is it lack of time, fear of failure, not knowing what to do?

I don’t get it! Story after story, case study after case study, success example after success example -thousands of stories, case studies, and examples have proven that personal branding works

So – we cycle back to the original question – Why is it that so many people don’t get started creating their personal brand? Brad and I cover personal branding for your job search frequently in our Internet Radio Talk Show. Check out some of the previous broadcasts from our Radio Talk Show Library.

What are known for? What subjects and search terms would employers use to find you on the web?

If employers typed a particular search phrase into Google, would you appear as one of the top 10 listings?

Trends are beginning to show that companies are using job boards less and search tools/social media sites to find candidates. Are you still conducting a job search like it’s 1999 or are you conducting a job search leveraging all the tools now available in 2009?

Tell us why you haven’t started your strategy of personal branding yet – here’s some tactics top talent candidates use in personal branding – are you doing any of these?

  • Signing up for accounts on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Delicious, Digg, Friendfeed, Google Reader, Google Profile
  • Completely filling out the profile information on each of these sites
  • Frequent updates and particpation in group discussions, answering questions, posing questions, offering recommendations and ideas
  • Creating a blog and posting everyday about your subject matter expertise


What’s holding you back?


Your Personal Brand

Having a personal brand that differentiates you from the 100’s of resumes is critical to your search. Especially during this economy.

So how do you make yourself different? By establishing your unique competencies, why you are relevant to the person reading your resume and how you have consistently demonstrated these competencies. These must be aligned with and relevant to the company or person.

For example, if you brand yourself as a “Sales person with exceptional negotiating skills dealing with multi-million dollar and multi-year contracts.” then you become relevant to those types of companies and industries. However, you become irrelevant to high volume low dollar companies.

Too many candidates see this as a negative because this eliminates these companies. In fact, you would be eliminated anyway because your expertise isn’t aligned. On the other hand, you become more valuable to those companies that do align with your brand. The more valuable you become the more the company is willing to pay.

A strong brand is always beneficial to a candidate. Every candidate has a brand. Most don’t take the time, reflection, and in-depth research to identify what their brand is. We aren’t suggesting that your brand will eliminate every other person conducting a similar search, but it can move you to the “A” stack of resumes. We have a free complete audio presentation on personal branding. Click here to download it is free.

Try these practical steps as you develop your unique brand:

  1. Conduct a brainstorming exercise with yourself. List out all the things that make your experiences, values, passions, etc unique to you. Unique doesn’t mean exclusive. It is just what you bring to the party that some others won’t.
  2. How other perceive you is the most critical. So start asking co-workers, past employees, ex-bosses, friends, networking connections to describe how they see your unique experiences, values, passions, etc.
  3. Consolidate these and develop a branding statement.
  4. You may have more than one statement depending on circumstances.

For more on personal branding CLICK HERE

Leave a comment with your personal brand. We may even be conducting an active search for your brand.


Resumes Are Worthless – Audio Program

“Why Traditional Resumes are Worthless” is because they leave off vital information. This is all about resumes and why many never get noticed. Why do some work and some don’t. What special information is required for Sales and IT people. Why the resume isn’t about you. How to focus on benefits and not features and why most resumes never get past the 20 second review. I answer emails about how to show 30 years of experience, should you use functional or chronological resumes and whether or not to use a professional resume writer. If you want answers on what to do to get your resume noticed all you have to now is listen.

On our radio show heard Monday’s from 11 – Noon PDT on LaTalkRadio we discuss why most resumes never get past the 20 second screen. They are missing vital information that the reader needs to make a decision. In fact, cases such as sales and IT require special handling.

You can just click the link below to hear the complete show and find out if your resume is missing this information. If you have been sending out resumes to jobs you are a perfect fit for and not getting calls, then you should consider if you a missing some of this information.

resumes_are_worthless just click this link to hear the complete show.

Using Social Media in Your Job Search

Using social media sites such as Linkedin, Twitter or Facebook to find customers, new employees or a job is new to most people. Today’s show is all about how you can leverage these sites to get what you are looking for. My partner Barry Deutsch and I discuss all the reasons to begin using these sites but most importantly how to use these sites to accomplish your objectives.

Social media sites are all the rage but few know how to use them to drive business, sales or sourcing for people or a job. Most become overwhelmed and just give up. We will show you how to start, which sites are best suited for your needs, how to engage people and the real purpose of these sites. Social media may be right for some and a waste of time for others. Find out which category you fall into to most effectively leverage your job search.

You can listen to or download our Career and Job Search Radio Show in our FREE Audio Library.